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The last Will and Testament of
John Pulton
23rd February 1638
probate: 08 December 1647



Beginning of the Will of John PultonIn the Name of God Amen

In the xiij th day of February in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred thirtie and eight after the accompt of the Church of England and in the xiiij th yeare of the raign of our Sov[er]aigne Lord Charles by the grace of god of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith &c

I John Pulton of Desbrugh, in the County of North'ton, Esqe being in p[er]fect minde and good memory (praysed be god for the same), Doe ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following:

First I profess from my heart that, renounceing all sorte Schismes and Heresies, I doe firmely and without all doubt hould and believe the Holy Christian Catholique faith and every point thereof w[hich] our mother the Holy Catholique Church, instructed by the promised Spirit of truth, hath taught and declared, yet being now right sorrowfull that I have not continued a faithfull member of the same ever since my baptisme, Doe now, nothwithstanding, in that faith moste hopefully and joyfully surrender my Soule into the most mercifull hands of the almighty, trusting assuredly by the infinite merits of his deare Sonne Jesus Christ, my only Redeemer and Saviour, and by his most precious blood soe abonndantly shed for me, to be made a partaker of his everlasting kingdome, w[hi]ch, that I may obteyne, I most humbly pray and beseech the most blessed Virgin St Mary, mother of my Lord and god, with all the blessed Company of Heaven, and my deare mother the Holy Catholique Church allwayes to be intercessors for me.

My earthly bodie I betake to the earth whereof it is made to be buried in the Church of Desbrugh aforesaid next to the bodie of my sometime memorable kinsman Ferdinando Pulton.

And as concerning such lands and goods of this world as it hath pleased god to bestowe upon me, for w[hi]ch I give his most heavenly ma[jes]tie most humble and heartie thankes; My debts being first duly and truly payed, my fun[er]all discharged, and my legacies satisfied, I give and bestowe in manner and forme w[hich] followeth:

And first I revoke all former wills and testament by me heretofore made; and by this my will I doe confirme and make good all such conveyances and estates as heretofore I have made and sette my hand & Seale, or w[hi]chprivity: the knowledge of something private or secret shared between individuals, especially with the implication of approval or consent otherwise have bin made by my Consent and privity by my trusted frends, the same Conveyance being of such lands ten[emen]tes, annuities, rents, or leases w[hi]ch I have purchased and bought w[i]th my owne money though in the names of other men, being my kinsfolks or frends, intreating such my kinsfolkes frends and feoffees whose names I have therein used that they would doe their utmost endeavours to see all things p[er]formed and my meaneing satisfied.

Inprimus therefore I give unto my right welbeloved wife Frances Pulton all the leases, goods, Cattles, or Chattles whereof I shall dye seised, as well those w[hi]ch then shalbe in my owne hande. All those w[hi]ch either heretofore I have bought in other mens names, or hereafter I shall buy, she to hould all the same dureing her n[atu]rall life, and alsoe further to dispose of in such mann[er] as I have acquainted her withal;

Alsoe I give unto my said wife all the rents revenues w[hi]ch I have bought in other mens names the same to enioy dureing the terme of her n[atu]rall life, the fee simple of such lands to descend and remaine according to limitacons expressed in the same deeds w[hi]ch I have left in my said wive's Custody, expecting and desireing my sayd wife out of such my leases, goods, chattles, and revenues of my purchased lands to provide for my younger Children in such sort and manner w[hich] I have already acquainted her withal, and in some sort and manner is expressed in certain deeds of declaracon of trust w[hi]ch I have left in her Custody;

Also I give unto my Sonne and Heyre George Pulton a legacy of five pounds in money

Alsoe I leave to descend to my said sonne and his heires of his body succeeding my house of Desbrough and an heyre loome from his great grandfather John Isham of Lamport Esq dec[ease]d one great Silver bolle double guilt[?] w[ith] alsoe one great Counterpoint of Bed Coverlett, nowe in my owne possession, together w[i]th all the books left in my handes by my much respected kinsman Ferdinando Pulton Esqr, sometime of Borton in the parrish and County of Buckingham, dec[ease]d, them to hould under the Condicon to me delivered when I rec[eiv]ed the same w[hi]ch Condicon appeareth in his last will and testament recorded in the Court of Arches at Londo in Anno D[o]m[ini] 1617;

chargeing and comaunding my said Sonne upon my blessing, and as he will answeare the contrary at the dreadfull day of Judgement, that he doe not go about to disannull or contradict this my last will and testament, or trouble or molest either by Suites in Lawe or otherwise my executor or executors hereafter named or any of them either in proveing, executeing, or p[er]formeing the same but that he permitt all things to be fullfilled according to my minde and intenting therein;

And further t[ha]t neither my said Sonne George, nor any other from him claymeing, shall challenge or demaund any lands, leases, goods, or Chattles whereof I shall dye seized, w[hi]ch either already and or hereafter shalbe purchased in my owne name or in the names of any other, more then what formerly I have expressed or what I have estated upon him by deed at his marriage, or by another deed since made by both our consente w[hi]ch is much to the same effect.

It[em] I will and bequeath unto the poore peoples of the parrish of Desbrugh the summe of xxs.

It[em] I give to my servant Anne Ward, widdow, one annuity, or yearly Rent, of fower pounds in money; to be payed out of my purchased lande at fower days or tymes in the yeare by equal and even porcons; that is to say at the feast of the annuncon of our Blessed Lady St Mary the virgin, the feast of St John Baptist, the feast of St Michaell Tharchangell, and the feast of St Thomas the Apostle, or w[i]thin twenty days next after each of the sayd feasts next ensueing, the first payment to begin at such of the said feasts as shall happen next after the deathe of me and my wife and the longer liver of us, and to continue for and during the n[atu]rall life of her the sayd Anne Ward and noe longer.

And of this my last will and testament I make my before menconed beloved wife Frances Pulton, my daughter Anne Themilby, wife unto Charles Thimelby of Sindall in the County of Yorke Esq, my executors if they will and thinke it necessary for them to take it upon them. But if they shall refuse the same or shall not thinke it necessary then I will appoint and make Mary Thornsby, Nicholas Thimelby, and Thomas Thimelby, younger Children of my aforesaid daughter Anne Thimelby, my executors of this my last will and testament, but yet most earnestly requesting and charging aswell my said daughter Anne Thimelby, the mother, as alsoe her before mentioned fair children, that neither they nor any of them shall during the n[atu]rall life of my aforesaid wife Frances Pulton, receave any Rente of any of my lands or leases to any of their owne uses, or meddle w[i]th any my goods whatsoever w[hi]ch I shall leave behinde me, but suffer my sayd wife quietly to enioy all the same

And yf my said wife shallnt[?] any by me dureing her life, or by her last will and testament, sell, give away, or dispose of all or any my goods, leases, or Chattles, I will & charge them all, my said other executors, to rest contented therewith and not to demaund any porcon or part therefrom, or to molest her for the same

And if it fortune my sayd wife to dye and depart this life not making any will or testament, or disposal of the leases, goods, or Chattles soe by me left unto her, Then my will and meaning is that my afores[ai]d daughter Anne Thimelby, the mother, shall have and enioy to her, her executors, administrators, and assignes forever, all my leases, goods, and Chattles soe undisposed of by my aforesaid wife

And in witnesse that this is my last will and testam[en]t, I have to every sheet of paper, being three in number, sette my hand; And to the last Sheet putt to my hand and Seale the day and yeare first above written I say w[i]th my owne hande John Pulton Signed, Sealed, published and acknowledged as the last will and testament of me John Pulton in the p[re]sence of Row: Tampion, Ephraim Goode, Wm Gill, Raphe Demty his marke.


Probatum fuit testim ...


Words which appear with characters in square brackets were contractions in the original documents, so "p[er]fect" was originally written as "pfect".

The original will has very little punctuation and no separate paragraphs. As this makes it hard to read I have inserted some punctuation and broken the text into separate clauses.

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