You are here: Desborough > Surnames > Cursley > Hannah Cursley (1833 - ) > Census details

Desborough - People
Hannah Cursley

NameHannah Cursley     descendant tree, etc
FatherJoseph Cursley
MotherSarah Marlow
Married Samuel Loake 

1841 Census: Desborough
High Street, YardCensus date: 6 June 1841
NameM.F.OccupationBorn in County?Birth CountryInfo.
Joseph Cursley35 Weaver yes
Sarah Cursley 35 yes
Jane Cursley 9 yes
Hannah Cursley 7 yes
Joshua Cursley5 yes
Samuel Cursley4 yes
George Cursley1 yes

1851 Census: Desborough
259High StreetCensus date: 30 March 1851
Joseph CursleyHead Marr 45 Silk WeaverDesborough 
Sarah CursleyWife Marr 47 Desborough 
Hannah Cursleydaur U 17 Lace RunnerDesborough 
Samuel Cursleyson U 13 Silk WeaverDesborough 
George Cursleyson 10 Silk WinderDesborough 
Epinctus Cursleydaur 8 Lace RunnerDesborough 
Jane KendallMother-in-law Widow 76 PauperDesborough 

1861 Census : Kettering, Northamptonshire
227Northall Street no. 132 Eaton CourtCensus date: 7 April 1861
Samuel LoakHead Mar 30 Silk Velvet WeaverKettering  Northamptonshire
Hannah LoakWife Mar 27 Silk Velvet WeaverDesborough 
Henry LoakSon 2 ScholarKettering  Northamptonshire
Frederick LoakSon 1 Kettering  Northamptonshire

1871 Census : Kettering, Northamptonshire
227Back of PoundCensus date: 2 April 1871
Thomas LoakeHead Widr 77 Formerly SilkweaverRothwell  Northamptonshire
Samuel LoakeSon Mar 40 Clothing PresserRothwell  Northamptonshire
Hannah LoakeSon's Wife Mar 37 Formerly WeaverDesborough 
Henry LoakeGd Son 12 Shoe FinisherKettering  Northamptonshire
Frederic LoakeGd Son 11 Coal HeaverKettering  Northamptonshire
Elizabeth LoakeGd Daur 7 ScholarMelbourne  Derbyshire
Isaac LoakeGd Son 5 ScholarMelbourne  Derbyshire
Albert LoakeGd Son 3 Kettering  Northamptonshire
George LoakeGd Son 20 Clothing CutterKettering  Northamptonshire

1881 Census

1891 Census

1901 Census

1911 Census

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