You are here: Desborough > Surnames > Yeomans > William Yeomans (18030410 - ) > Census details

Desborough - People
William Yeomans

NameWilliam Yeomans     descendant tree, etc
NoteNote: Possibly the son of William Yeomans and Mary Biddle
FatherWilliam Yeomans
MotherMary [not known]
Married Mary [not known] 

1841 Census : Rothwell, Northamptonshire
Wales StreetCensus date: 6 June 1841
NameM.F.OccupationBorn in County?Birth CountryInfo.
William Yeomans35 Ag Lab Yes
Mary Yeomans 35 Yes
Elizth East 15 Yes
Frances East 10 Lace Maker Yes

1851 Census : Rothwell, Northamptonshire
46Foxes LanesCensus date: 30 March 1851
William YeomansHead Mar 48 Ag LabDesborough 
Mary YeomansWife Mar 46 Rothwell  Northamptonshire
Samuel GambleGrandson 9 Rothwell  Northamptonshire

1861 Census : Rothwell, Northamptonshire
156Foxes LanesCensus date: 7 April 1861
William YeomansHead Mar 5? Road LabourerDesborough 
Mary YeomansWife Mar 55 Rothwell  Northamptonshire
Ann GambleVisitor Unm 17 House ServantRothwell  Northamptonshire

1871 Census

1881 Census

1891 Census

1901 Census

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