You are here: Desborough > Surnames > Iliffe > Alfred Iliffe (1880 - 1939) > Census details

Desborough - People
Alfred Iliffe

NameAlfred Iliffe     descendant tree, etc
Married Emma Elizabeth Tailby 

1841 Census

1851 Census

1861 Census

1871 Census

1881 Census

1891 Census

1901 Census: Desborough
157Union St no. 66Census date: 31 March 1901
Alfred IliffeHead M 21 Shoe Clicker, workerClipstone  Northamptonshire
Elizabeth IliffeWife M 22 Desborough 
Leonard IliffeSon 11m Desborough 

1911 Census : Desborough
92Station Road no. 42Census date: 2 April 1911
Alfred IliffeHead M 31 GrocerClipstone  Northamptonshire
Lizzie IliffeWife Mar 11y
  born: 2
  living: 2
32 Assisting in the BusinessDesborough 
Leonard IliffeSon 10 Desborough 
Raymond IliffeSon 4 Desborough 

1939 Census

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