You are here: Desborough > Surnames > Kendall > Jane Kendall (1823 - ) > Census details

Desborough - People
Jane Kendall

NameJane Kendall     descendant tree, etc
FatherJohn Kendall
MotherHannah Palmer
Married Leonard Yeomans 

1841 Census

1851 Census : Kettering, Northamptonshire
94Keightley's LaneCensus date: 30 March 1851
Leonard YeomansHead Mar 26 Ag LabourerDesborough 
Jane YeomansWife Mar 27 Desborough 
Ann YeomansDaur 7 Desborough 
Samuel YeomansSon 5 Desborough 
George YeomansSon 2 Desborough 
Leonard YeomansSon 2m Kettering  Northamptonshire

1861 Census : Kettering, Northamptonshire
155Keightley's LaneCensus date: 7 April 1861
Glenn YeomansHead Mar 36 LabourerDesborough 
Jane YeomansWife Mar 39 CharwomanDesborough 
Ann YeomansDaur Un 16 StaymakerDesborough 
Samuel YeomansSon Un 15 ServantDesborough 
George YeomansSon 12 Coal PorterDesborough 
Leonard YeomansSon 11 LabourerKettering  Northamptonshire
Richard YeomansSon 9 ScholarKettering  Northamptonshire
Frances YeomansDaur 7 ScholarKettering  Northamptonshire
"Glenn" Yeomans - probably a mishearing of "Len" Yeomans by the enumerator

1871 Census : Kettering, Northamptonshire
137Roses YardCensus date: 2 April 1871
Leonard YeomansHead Mar 48 LabourerDesborough 
Jane YeomansWife Mar 49 Desborough 
George YeomansSon Mar 22 LabourerKettering  Northamptonshire
Rebecker YeomansDaur Mar 19 Kettering  Northamptonshire
Richard YeomansSon 18 LabourerKettering  Northamptonshire
Fanny YeomansDaur 16 StaymakerKettering  Northamptonshire

1881 Census : Kettering, Northamptonshire
170Ebenezer PlaceCensus date: 3 April 1881
Leonard YeomansHead Mar 57 Coal CarterDesboro 
Jane YeomansWife Mar 59 Desboro 

1891 Census

1901 Census

1911 Census

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