You are here: Desborough > Surnames > Dawkins > Jemima Dawkins (1831 - 1917) > Census details

Desborough - People
Jemima Dawkins

NameJemima Dawkins     descendant tree, etc

1841 Census

1851 Census

1861 Census

1871 Census : Scaldwell, Northamptonshire
17Census date: 2 April 1871
William AllenHead Unm 58 Farmer, 19 acres, 3 menScaldwell  Northamptonshire
Jemima DawkinsServ Unm 40 General ServantScaldwell 
James BiddlesBrother in law Unm 51
Swansbourne[?]  Leciestershire
Edith DawkinsDaur of servt 6 ScholarDesborough 

1881 Census : Hannington, Northamptonshire
26Census date: 3 April 1881
Edward DurhamHead Widr 52 GrocerSilverstone  Northamptonshire
George DurhamSon Unm 25 Hurdle MakerHannington  Northamptonshire
Jemima DawkinsServ W 50 Domestic ServantScaldwell  Northamptonshire

1891 Census

1901 Census : Scaldwell, Northamptonshire
4East EndCensus date: 31 March 1901
Jemima DawkinsHead Wid 70 Seamstress. Shirt, own acct, at homeScaldwell  Northamptonshire

1911 Census

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