Desborough - People
Honor Hutchings Hopgood
1841 Census1851 Census1861 Census1871 Census1881 Census
: South Hackney, London479 | Wetherell Road
no. 40 | Census date: 3 April 1881 |
Name | Relation | Cond. | M. | F. | Occupation | Birthplace | Info. |
Aug C H Wilson | Head | Mar | 38 | | Curate of St Andrew Beth Green | Rochdale
Lancs | |
Honor H Wilson | Wife | Mar | | 35 | | France, B.S.
| |
Albert V Wilson | Son | | 7 | | | London
Mx | |
Eliza Clement | Serv | | | 14 | Gen Serv | Cowley
Mx | |
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