Desborough - People
Rebecca Dawkins
1841 Census1851 Census1861 Census1871 Census1881 Census1891 Census1901 Census: Desborough91 | Rushton Rd
no. 107 | Census date: 31 March 1901 |
Name | Relation | Cond. | M. | F. | Occupation | Birthplace | Info. |
William Wills | Head | M | 47 | | Groom and Gardener, worker | Wellingborough
Northamptonshire | |
Rebecca Wills | Wife | M | | 42 | | Weedon
Northamptonshire | |
Percy Wills | Son | S | 21 | | Shoe Clicker, worker | Isham
Northamptonshire | |
Northcot Wills | Son | S | 18 | | Shoe Heel Builder, worker | Isham
Northamptonshire | |
Garnet [?] Wills | Son | S | 9 | | | Isham
Northamptonshire | |
Clara Wills | Daur | S | | 16 | Shoe Fitter, worker | Rothwell
Northamptonshire | |
Elsie Wills | Daur | S | | 12 | | Rothwell
Northamptonshire | |
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