Robert Chapman*

Theft of Boots

Robert Chapman, shoehand, Desborough, was charged with stealing a pair of boots, valued 5s., at Desborough, on April 9th.

Jos. Thornton, agent for the Rothwell Boot and Shoe Co., deposed to giving the defendant 24 pairs of boots to finish. After defendant brought them back, witness missed the pair produced, which were valued at 5s.

George Henry Ginns, shoe finisher, deposed to working for the defendant, and the week before Easter defendant offered to sell the witness the pair of boots produced for 3s. Witness asked defendant where he had them from, and he replied, "Never you mind." Witness paid 3s. for the boots, which he afterwards handed over to the police.

— P.S. Thomas deposed to arresting the defendant, who admitted selling the boots whilst "on the booze."

— For the defence Albert Chapman deposed that the witness Ginns finished the boots himself, and took them away in the defendant's absence.

— Defendant was fined 10s. and £1 8s. 5d. costs.

 Northampton Mercury, Friday 07 May 1897


* I've not located a Robert Chapman living in Desborough in 1891 or 1901. Should this read "Albert Chapman", as in the penultimate paragraph?