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Desborough People
William Clarke


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   7101 1.0 William Clarkemale

Birth: about 1786Census

Married: Ruth Moore  before 1819Est. from child
b. about 1786Census
Birth: 10 Mar 1819, at Market Harborough, LeicestershireIGI
Baptism: 28 Apr 1819 at Independent, Market Harborough, LeicestershireIGI
Death: Apr 1860 , at DesboroughContact
Burial: 08 Apr 1860 at Desborough Churchyard, DesboroughContact
Married: George Page  at Market Harborough, Leicestershire 21 Dec 1840Parish Reg
bap. 13 Apr 1815 at DesboroughIGI
Birth: about 1843, at DesboroughCensus
Death: 20 Sep 1917 , at 6 King St, Desborough, age: 73yProbate
Probate: 27 Nov 1917  executors, etc

Additional Information: BMD Announcements
Married: (1) Dinah Barratt  about 1865BMD
b. 04 Jul 1836, at DesboroughWesleyan Reg
Birth: about 1866, at DesboroughCensus
Married: Alfred James Dawkins  1888BMD
b. about 1863, at DesboroughCensus

   56825.1 Elsie Ann Dawkinsfemale
Birth: about 1890, at DesboroughCensus

   56835.2 Annie Evelyn Dawkinsfemale
Birth: about Mar 1891, at DesboroughCensus
Married: Arthur Henry Woolston  1914BMD
b. 16 Apr 1892, at Rothwell, NorthamptonshireRN War Graves

   91855.3 Arthur Edward Dawkinsmale
Birth: about 1897, at DesboroughCensus
Death: 13 Nov 1916, Killed in action , at Somme, France
Memorial: at Thiepval, France (ref: Pier and Face 12 D and 13 B) CWGC

Additional information: Army Service ( - 13 Nov 1916)

   169815.4 Doris Maud Dawkinsfemale
Birth: about 1903, at DesboroughCensus

   14554.2 Julia Pagefemale
Birth: about 1868, at DesboroughCensus
Death: 1940 , at Northamptonshire, age: 73yBMD
Birth: about 1869, at DesboroughCensus
Married: Lois Ginns  1889BMD
b. about 1868, at DesboroughCensus

   93195.1 Miriam Pagefemale
Birth: about 1897, at DesboroughCensus
Birth: about 1873, at DesboroughCensus
Death: 20 Jul 1917, age: 45yProbate
Probate: 08 Aug 1917  executors, etc
Married: Matilda Elizabeth Blunsom  1896BMD
b. about 1869, at DesboroughCensus

   95475.1 Cyril Pagemale
Birth: about 1898, at DesboroughCensus

Married: (2) Eliza Jane Marriott  at Kettering, Northamptonshire 24 Dec 1886Mercury
b. about 1855, at Rothwell Lodge, Rothwell, NorthamptonshireCensus

   47824.5 William Edward Pagemale
Birth: about 1888, at DesboroughCensus

   47834.6 Gertrude M Pagefemale
Birth: about 1890, at DesboroughCensus

   47844.7 Margaret Pagefemale
Birth: about Jan 1891, at DesboroughCensus

   92794.8 Fred Marriott Pagemale
Birth: about 1893, at DesboroughCensus

   12083.2 Alfred Pagemale
Birth: about 1846, at DesboroughCensus

   12093.3 Emma Pagefemale
Birth: about 1850, at DesboroughCensus

Mother of the following, apparently unmarried, child's father unknown

   66174.1 Clara Lily Pagefemale
Birth registered 1st quarter 1872, death registered 2nd qtr 1872. Mother Emma Page (IGI baptism record), assuming from the ages of the various Emma Page that the linked person is the right one
Baptism: 07 May 1872 at DesboroughIGI
Death: 1872, age: 0BMD

Birth: about 1856, at DesboroughCensus
Married: John Howard Hawes  1880BMD
b. about 1856, at DesboroughCensus
Birth: about 1882, at DesboroughCensus
Death: 26 Oct 1934 , at 118 Pioneer Ave, DesboroughProbate
Probate: 18 Dec 1934  executors, etc
Married: Agnes Johnson  1907BMD
b. about Oct 1880, at DesboroughCensus

   164455.1 Gladys Mabel Hawesfemale
Birth: about 1910, at DesboroughCensus

   47714.2 Arthur J Hawesmale
Birth: about 1884, at DesboroughCensus

   47724.3 Harry Hawesmale
Birth: about 1886, at DesboroughCensus

   92824.4 Oscar Hawesmale
Birth: about 1894, at DesboroughCensus

   12113.5 Clara Ann Pagefemale
Birth: about 1858, at DesboroughCensus

   71032.2 Ruth Cookfemale
Birth: about 1822, at Market Harborough, LeicestershireCensus



The numbers at the right of the page are unique reference numbers.

The source follows each piece of information. If the source is underlined a full citation will be shown when you hover over it. Click on any link to switch to that person's details page.

Estimated dates of birth (treat with caution - they could be decades out!)
:- where there is a marriage or children recorded, the date is estimated at 16-18 years before the earliest date;
:- where there is only a burial known, if the person or their spouse is described as "old", the birth is estimated at 50 years earlier; if they are described as "very old", the birth is estimated at 60 years earlier; if neither, the birth is estimated at 18 years earlier.

Estimated dates of death are given as a visual aid to point up whether or not they survived their spouse.

Before 1752 the calendar year started on 25th March; dates where the year appears as, eg: "1650/51" show the year as it would have been given at the time (in this example 1650), and the year by the modern calendar (1651). Jan-Mar dates before 1752 which don't show this "double-dating" are from secondary sources which haven't made clear which dating system has been used.

Source Codes

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