John Reynolds Dawkins

The Bankruptcy Act, 1869.

In the County Court of Northamptonshire, holden at Northampton. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by John Reynolds Dawkins, of Desborough, in the county of Northampton, Grocer.

NOTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at the offices of Mr. H. S. B. Preedy, situate in Gas-street, Kettering, in the county of Northampton, on the 20th day of April, 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely.—Dated this 3rd day of April, 1875. H. S. B. PREEDY, Gas-street, Kettering, Attorney for the said John Reynolds Dawkins.

Source: The London Gazette, Issue 24197, published on the 6 April 1875. Page 35