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Desborough Study: Transcriptions

Joseph Patrick
20th Dec. 1768 - 23rd July 1827


On Monday morning, the 23d of July, died, at Northampton, the Rev. Joseph Patrick, pastor of the Baptist church at Harpole, near Northampton. His mortal remains were deposited in the burying-ground belonging to College-street meeting-house, on Wednesday evening, and on the Sabbath following a sermon was preached to improve his death, by the Rev. W. Gray, from 2 Cor. v. 4.; words chosen by the deceased.

Mr. Patrick passed through many changes and trails, but was enabled to preserve his Christian character unblameable. He lived and died resting upon the glorious principle of the Gospel. A short time before his removal, he sent the following statement to the writer:--"In preaching the sermon, I wish you particularly to tell the audience, that I have been a man of great trials and sufferings, both of body and mind, but say nothing in praise of me. I am only a lump of sin; whatever I am, I am by the grace of God, and this I trust will be my everlasting song--a sinner saved by grace. I die a poor repenting sinner, relying solely on the blood and righteousness of my risen Lord. My soul cleaves to the doctrines of free, sovereign, discriminating grace; if these deceive me I must be lost, for I have no other support, no other foundation on which I can depend. The eternal God is my refuge, and I hope and trust to find, that in my last moments his everlasting arms will be underneath me. If I am found in Jesus' hands, my soul can ne'er be lost. My heart's desire and fervent prayer are expressed in this one verse:--

When I draw my fleeting breath,
When my heartstrings break in death,
When I soar to worlds unknown,
See thee on thy judgment throne,
Rock of ages! shelter me,
Let me find my all in thee.

If you think proper, you may add that I was born at Kettering, in this county, Dec. 20, 1768, resided in Huntingdonshire some time, then came to reside at Desborough, near Rothwell, during which time I left the Wesleyan Methodists, and joined the church at Kettering, then under the pastoral care of my much revered friend and brother, Mr. Fuller, by whom I was publicly baptized in October, 1797, and by the church at Kettering was sent into the ministry.

Before I conclude, permit me to request you, dear Sir, to do what you can for my poor widow, and afflicted daughter Ruth; as I have nothing to leave them, and I doubt not but the Lord whom you serve will reward you for your kindness to the widow and the fatherless; and may the Lord make you a great blessing to the souls of men, and when your labours of love shall terminate, may you and yours have a place at Christ's right hand in glory. This, my dear Sir, is the prayer and last request of your heavily afflicted, but affectionate friend and brother in the gospel of Christ.

June 14, 1827

source: The Baptist Magazine 1827, p477-478


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