You are here: Desborough > Surnames > Robinson > Eliza Robinson (1830 - ) > Census details

Desborough - People
Eliza Robinson

NameEliza Robinson     descendant tree, etc
NoteYear of baptism is not shown in Wesleyan record, but 1831 fits the sequence and seems likely
FatherJames Robinson
MotherAnn Heel
Married James Asher 

1841 Census: Desborough
Braybrook LaneCensus date: 6 June 1841
NameM.F.OccupationBorn in County?Birth CountryInfo.
James Robinson33 Weaver yes
Ann Robinson 30 yes
Eliza Robinson 10 yes
Owen Robinson7 yes
Eli Robinson5 yes
James Robinson1 yes
John Robinson75 Weaver yes

1851 Census: Desborough
109Long YardCensus date: 30 March 1851
James AsherHead Marr 25 Ag LabDesborough 
Eliza AsherWife Marr 20 Desborough 
Elizabeth Asherdaur 1 Desborough 

1861 Census: Desborough
18Long YardCensus date: 7 April 1861
James AsherHead Mar 36 ? Agricultural LabourerDesborough 
Eliza AsherWife Mar 30 Lace RunnerDesborough 
Elizabeth Ann AsherDaur 11 Lace RunnerDesborough 
George Gamble AsherSon 5 ScholarDesborough 
Elizabeth RobinsonVisitor Un 19 Lace RunnerDesborough 

1871 Census : Clipston, Northamptonshire
9Mr Browns LodgeCensus date: 2 April 1871
James AsherHead Mar 42 ShepherdDesborough 
Eliza AsherWife Mar 38 Desborough 
George G AsherSon 15 ShepherdDesborough 
Mary A AsherDaur 5 Brampton Ash  Northamptonshire

1881 Census : Kettering, Northamptonshire
10Thorngate StreetCensus date: 3 April 1881
James AsherHead Mar 50 House PainterDesborough 
Eliza J AsherWife Mar 43 Desborough 
Mary A AsherDaur Un 15 Brampton Ash  Northamptonshire
James H AsherSon 9 ScholarClipstone  Northamptonshire

1891 Census : Kettering, Northamptonshire
196Thorngate St no. 18Census date: 1 April 1891
James AsherHead Mar 62
Eliza AsherWife Mar 57 Desborough 
James H AsherSon S 19 Clerk ShoewarehouseClipston 
Eleanor M AsherGranddaur 2 Kettering 

1901 Census : Kettering, Northamptonshire
94Thornegate St no. 55Census date: 31 March 1901
Harry J AsherHead S 29 Engineers ClerkClipston  Northamptonshire
Samuel HardingBoarder S 32 Machinery FitterCottingham  Northamptonshire
Eliza AsherMother Wid 67 Desboro 

1911 Census

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