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Desborough Study : Settlement Records

Joseph Freeman
Settlement Certificate from Farndish in Bedfordshire
20th September 1723

Northton Ss To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the parish of Desborow in the Said County

Wee William Lambe Churchwarden of the parish of Farndish in the County of Bedford and Peter Saunders Overseer of the poor of the same parish do hereby owne and acknowledge Joseph Freeman to be an inhabitant legally setled in the said parish of Farndish And Wee will receive him back into our said parish of Farndish when he shall become chargable to your said parish of Desborow Witness our hands and seales the twentyth day of September Anno Din 1723 And in the tenth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord George King over Great Britain &c.

Sealed and delivered in the p'sence of us Wm Lambe Church warden
Samuell Collis
Mary Oldham
Peter Sanders Overseer
  We whose names are hereto Subscribed Justices of the peace for the said County of Bedford above named do allow of the above written Certificate Witness our hands the 20 day of September 1723
R: Alston
Ri: Orleba..

Desborough is about 16 miles north-east of Farndish in Bedfordshire
(the map shows only the area around Farndish)