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Reuben Horsley
Military Records

death from accidental bomb wounds
inquiry reports

Army form W. 3428


1. Number, Rank, Name, and Unit
of injured man
WR/11033 Pioneer FAWCETT 316th Road Construction Company, R.E.,Date of Casualty

2. Nature, Location, and Severity of injury. (N.B. Field Ambulance to be notified at once if wound is believed to be self-inflicted)S.W. Knee, ( L ) and fingers.
(Signed) A. B. PAUL, Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. Medical Officer

3. Short statement of the circumstances of the case. (Signed statements of witnesses to be attached to this form) The Company had just moved to a new camp site near Gouzecourt. Pioneer Fawcett was assisting to unload a steam wagon when an explosion took place and upon investigation was found to have been caused by an enemy nosecap.

4.  Commanding officer's opinion as to whether the man was:-
(a) In the performance of military duty
(b) To blame
(c) Whether any other person was to blame.

Date 4/10/1918
(a)  Yes.

(b)  No.

(c)  No.

(Signed) J. PULLEN, Captain, G.C., 316th Rd Con. Coy., R.E.,

5. (a) Opinion of G.O.C. Brigade.
(b) Disciplinary action taken or proposed, whether against injured man or another.

Date 28/11/1918
(a)  I concur.

(b)  I concur.

(c)  Pioneer Davies.

(Signed) J. PAUL, Colonel, Comdt., 3rd Army Railheads,

6. To  3rd Army  Army "A"

Forwarded with reference to my Casualty Wire No. ______ dated  20/11/1918         
         (Signed) J PAUL, Colonel, Comdt., 3rd Army R'heads.

7.  To D.A.G.,
         G.H.Q., 3rd Echelon.

Forwarded for record. This casualty should be reported as  Injured ( Accidentally ).           
        (Signed) WALDO R. BRIGGS, Captain S.C.,  For G.O.C., Third Army.


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