You are here: Desborough > Surnames > [not known] > Catherine [not known] (1805 - )

Desborough People
Catherine [not known]


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   1097 1.0 Catherine [not known]female

Birth: about 1805NBI
Burial: 27 Jun 1844, aged 39, at St Giles, DesboroughNBI

Married: Samuel Yeomans  before 1833Est. from child
bap. 01 Apr 1804 at Desborough (source reads 'Samuel Son of John & Elizabeth Yeomans') Bp Transcripts Desb
Baptism: 13 Oct 1833 at DesboroughIGI
Death: 12 May 1920, age: 86yMI   memorial
Burial: at Desborough Cemetery, DesboroughMI
Probate: 15 Jun 1920  executors, etc
Married: Lydia Coe  1855BMD
b. 11 Mar 1832, at DesboroughWesleyan Reg
Montague's mother was a Coe, daughter of John (b about 1797) and his wife's mother was a Coe, daughter of Nathaniel (b about 1803), so it's possible that their grandfathers were brothers. Montague appears to have been listed twice in 1871: once with grandfather Samuel Yeomans and once with father Joseph Yeomans.
Birth: about 1857, at DesboroughCensus
Married: Ann Elizabeth Wilford  1882BMD
b. about 1859, at DesboroughCensus

   53544.1 Lydia Ann Yeomansfemale
Birth: about 1884, at DesboroughCensus

   53554.2 Montague Wilford Yeomansmale
Birth: about 1888, at DesboroughCensus

   53564.3 Winifred Ethel Yeomansfemale
Birth: about 1890, at DesboroughCensus

   11053.2 Jabez Yeomansmale
Birth: about 1858, at DesboroughCensus

   11063.3 Catherine Yeomansfemale
Birth: about 1860, at DesboroughCensus
Death: 11 Jan 1934 , at 111 Union St, Desborough, age: 73y
Probate: 26 Jul 1934  executors, etc

   11073.4 Lydia Yeomansfemale
Birth: about 1862, at DesboroughCensus

   11083.5 Samuel Yeomansmale
Birth: about 1865, at DesboroughCensus

   11093.6 Mary A Yeomansfemale
Birth: about 1867, at DesboroughCensus

   11103.7 Joseph Yeomansmale
Birth: about 1869, at DesboroughCensus
Death: 30 Apr 1911, age: 42yMI   memorial
Burial: at Desborough Cemetery, DesboroughMI
Baptism: 08 Nov 1835 at DesboroughIGI
Married: Jane Dixon  1866BMD
b. about 1840, at Corby, NorthamptonshireCensus

   148783.1 Austin Yeomansmale
Birth: about 1867, at Corby, NorthamptonshireCensus

   148793.2 Mary Jane Yeomansfemale
Birth: about 1868, at DesboroughCensus

   148803.3 Robert Yeomansmale
Birth: about 1870, at Rothwell, NorthamptonshireCensus

   148813.4 Emily Yeomansfemale
Birth: about 1872, at Rothwell, NorthamptonshireCensus

   148823.5 Elizabeth Annie Yeomans   also known as Ann Yeomansfemale
Married Frederick Adcock 1899: BMD 1899 q2 Kettering v3b p466
Birth: about 1874, at Rothwell, NorthamptonshireBMD

   148833.6 Rosina Yeomansfemale
Birth: about 1877, at Rothwell, NorthamptonshireCensus

   11002.3 Robert Yeomansmale
Baptism: 30 Nov 1837 at DesboroughIGI
Baptism: 23 Mar 1840 at DesboroughIGI
Death: about 1913, age: 73yBMD

Additional information: Marriage Certificate 
Married: (1) Eliza Thurman  1865BMD
b. about 1841, at Nottingham, NottinghamshireCensus

   143933.1 William Edward Yeomansmale
Birth: about 1867, at Islington, LondonCensus
Birth: about 1869, at Islington, LondonCensus

Additional information: Baptism Certificate 

   143963.3 Albert Montague Yeomansmale
Birth: 1871, at Islington, LondonBMD

   143973.4 John Edgar Yeomansmale
Birth: 1874, at Hornsey, LondonBMD

Additional information: Baptism Certificate 

   143983.5 Marshall Savidge Yeomansmale
Birth: about 1877, at Hornsey, LondonBMD

Additional information: Baptism Certificate 

   144033.6 Frank Yeomansmale
Baptism: 24 Sep 1878 at Islington, LondonParish Reg

Additional information: Baptism Certificate 

Married: (2) Phoebe Coulthard  at Islington, London 07 Oct 1880Parish Reg
b. about 1848, at Exbury, HampshireCensus

   144023.7 Ethel Coulthard Yeomansfemale
Birth: 1881, at Islington, LondonBMD

Additional information: Baptism Certificate 

   143993.8 Stuart Coulthard Yeomansmale
Birth: 1885, at Hornsey, LondonBMD
Birth: 1886, at Hornsey, LondonBMD

Additional information: Baptism Certificate 

   144013.10 Harold Betten C Yeomansfemale
Birth: about 1889, at Hornsey, LondonBMD

   11032.5 Mary Ann Yeomansfemale
Baptism: 25 Dec 1842 at DesboroughIGI



The numbers at the right of the page are unique reference numbers.

The source follows each piece of information. If the source is underlined a full citation will be shown when you hover over it. Click on any link to switch to that person's details page.

Estimated dates of birth (treat with caution - they could be decades out!)
:- where there is a marriage or children recorded, the date is estimated at 16-18 years before the earliest date;
:- where there is only a burial known, if the person or their spouse is described as "old", the birth is estimated at 50 years earlier; if they are described as "very old", the birth is estimated at 60 years earlier; if neither, the birth is estimated at 18 years earlier.

Estimated dates of death are given as a visual aid to point up whether or not they survived their spouse.

Before 1752 the calendar year started on 25th March; dates where the year appears as, eg: "1650/51" show the year as it would have been given at the time (in this example 1650), and the year by the modern calendar (1651). Jan-Mar dates before 1752 which don't show this "double-dating" are from secondary sources which haven't made clear which dating system has been used.

Source Codes

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