You are here: Desborough > Surnames > Coe > Nathaniel Coe (1834 - 1878) > Census details

Desborough - People
Nathaniel Coe

NameNathaniel Coe     descendant tree, etc
NoteWife's surname in BMD is Abigail Martin - probably a mis-reading of the original source.
FatherSamuel Coe
MotherSarah [not known]
Married Abigail Marlow 

1841 Census: Desborough
High Street, YardCensus date: 6 June 1841
NameM.F.OccupationBorn in County?Birth CountryInfo.
Samuel Coe50 Worsted Weaver yes
Sarah Coe 40 yes
Hannah Coe 25 Lace Maker yes
Jemimah Coe 18 Lace Maker yes
Elizabeth Coe 16 Lace Maker yes
Rose Coe 13 Lace Maker yes
Job Coe10 yes
John Coe8 yes
Nathaniel Coe6 yes
Reuben Coe3 yes
Maria Coe 3 yes

1851 Census: Desborough
40High StreetCensus date: 30 March 1851
Samuel CoeHead Marr 61 Ag LabDesborough 
Sarah CoeWife Marr 53 Shelton  Lincolnshire
Jemima Coedaur U 26 Lace RunnerDesborough 
Job CoeSon U 20 Ag LabDesborough 
Nathaniel CoeSon U 16 Ag LabDesborough 
Reuben CoeSon 13 Job BoyDesborough 
Maria CoeNiece 12 Lace RunnerDesborough 
Josiah CoeGd-son 2 Desborough 

1861 Census: Desborough
95Poddock LaneCensus date: 7 April 1861
Nathaniel CoeHead Mar 21 Agricultural LabourerDesborough 
Abigail CoeWife Mar 21 Fall EmbroidererDesborough 

1871 Census: Desborough
34Bakers RowCensus date: 2 April 1871
Nathaniel CoeHead Mar 35 PauperDesborough 
Abigell CoeWife Mar 30 Desborough 
Clara MarlowLodger Un 17 Desborough 

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